Liên Đoàn System
Introduction to the Liên Đoàn System
A Liên Đoàn (LD) is a group of intergrated scouting units, can be in the same or different branch of Scouting from Cubs Scouts to Boy Scouts to Venturer, and can even include units from Girl Scouts.
Organizing structure:
The Scout Leader committee of a Liên Đoàn holds the task of running and carrying out activities of all units within the Liên Đoàn. The structure of a Liên Đoàn is depended upon the current needs of its units as a functioning member of a Liên Đoàn. The Scout Leader committee organize the structure of a Liên Đoàn using the methods and purpose of Scouting as a guideline to carryout meaningful activities within the units.
Roles and Responsibilities:
The basic task of running and coordinating a Liên Đoàn are depended what its purpose and needs are. From there, Leaders share in the responsibilities of addressing those needs and making sure that unit activities are carried out accordingly. Those responsibilities are varied from time to time according to the current needs of the Liên Đoàn and its units.
Some key roles and tasks within a Liên Đoàn:
Liên Đoàn Chairperson: is the Leader who will be the key voice in representing the Liên Đoàn. Coordinate the overall activities within the Liên Đoàn.
Assistant Chairperson: Assist in the various duties of the Chairperson.
Treasurer: Record and keep track of all finance activities in the Liên Đoàn.
Secretary: Keep record of activities and update any relevant materials relating to the activities of the Liên Đoàn.
Training Coordinator: Plan, organize, and update training programs from basic leadership skills to advanced programs for new and current Leaders when the need arises.
Cub Master, Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor, Rover Scout Leader, Girl Scout Leader & Unit Assistants: Coordinate the overall programs for their respected units.
The Benefits of a Liên Đoàn:
All units conduct their activities in the same place and time, thus minimizing the number of Leaders needed to conduct the same activities for multiple units than if those units were to meet separately. Parents with children in different Scouting branch and level no longer need to drive to multiple meeting places and time for drop off and pickup.
Unit leaders can share their experiences and aid each other in multiple activities more easily.
The transition phase of a Scout from one level to the next is much smoother and without fear of being an outsider (familiar with members from the new units).
Parents can support the activities of multiple units at the same time without any indifference as to whether or not their son and daughter belong to that unit because their support will go to benefit the Lien Doan as a whole rather than just any individual unit.
Many choices and events take place depends on the individual’s familiarity of the situation and term of needs. A Scout Leader’s decision to form a Scouting unit based on a Lien Doan system or that of individual units is influenced by addressing the options as to which methods will be most effective to run their units while also offering a high degree of convenience. There is no right or wrong way when choosing either method but it is best to keep in mind of the resources needed to best coordinate the units and what is actually available. Building a successful unit is the best contribution a Leader can make to the Scouting movement and to the future of our youths.
Source: VCS