Cadette - Senior - Ambassador
TNHG Board Election
Rules for Election:
Election committee: the current board will create a committee of three girls who oversee the election and are not a candidate.
Election rules:
No girl is to run the same position twice
SPL and ASPL: seniors and ambassadors
Other positions: available for all
If girls accept any of the positions below, they need to commit to attending regular meetings, stay active as scout and connect with troop
Board Positions:
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): Responsible for running the troop, build weekly agenda, running meetings, looking after troop's well-being
Assistant SPL (ASPL): Assist SPL and fill in when SPL is not available
Secretary: responsible for troop communication, send out agenda, minutes, announcements
Treasurer: responsible for troop's money keeping, collecting receipts and working with the adult treasurer
Advancement chair (seniors/ambassadors): help scouts pursue badge activities.
Activity chair: responsible for planning and organizing activities
Performance chair: responsible to organize the unit performances and teach girls with scout songs
Cadette Badges
Business Plan:
Coding for Good: Coding Basics - Digital Game Design - App Development
Cookie Innovator:
Cookie Market Researcher:
Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity Basics - Cybersecurity Safeguards - Cybersecurity Investigator
Eating for You:
Finding Common Ground:
Girl Scout Way:
My Cookie Venture:
Public Speaker:
Robotics: Programming Robots - Designing Robots - Showcasing Robots
Special Agent:
Snow or Climbing Adventure:
STEM Career Exploration:
Senior Badges
Coding for Good: Coding Basics - Digital Game Design - App Development
Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity Basics - Cybersecurity Safeguards - Cybersecurity Investigator:
Robotics: Programming Robots - Designing Robots - Showcasing Robots
Ambassador Badges
Cadette Journeys
It's Your World - Change It!
aMaze! Journey Book - Badge Set - Study Guide
It's Your Planet - Love It!
Breathe Journey Book - Badge Set
It's Your Story - Tell It!
MEdia Journey Book - Badge Set
Engineering Journey
Think Like an Engineer Journey Guide + Take Action- Badge
Computer Science Journey
Think Like a Programmer + Take Action - Award Badge
Outdoor STEM Journey
Think Like a Citizen Scientist + Take Action - Badge - Other Resource
Outdoor Journey: Consist of 3 badges + Take Action
Senior Journeys
It's Your World - Change It!
It's Your Planet - Love It!
It's Your Story - Tell It!
Misson: Sisterhood! Journey - Badge - Pin - Study Guide - Other Resource
Engineering Journey
Think Like an Engineer + Take Action - Badge
Computer Science Journey
Think Like a Programmer + Take Action - Badge
Outdoor STEM Journey
Outdoor Journey: Consist of 3 badges below + Take Action - Other Resource
Ambassador Journeys
It's Your World - Change It!
It's Your Planet - Love It!
Justice Journey
It's Your Story - Tell It!
Engineering Journey
Think Like an Engineer + Take Action - Badge
Computer Science Journey
Think Like a Programmer + Take Action - Badge
Outdoor STEM Journey
Think Like a Citizen Scientist Guide + Take Action - Badge - Other Resource
Outdoor Journey: Consist of 3 badges + Take Action
Silver Award
Silver Award (SA)
A Take Action project containing 5 elements.
The project must address a root cause of an issue.
Root cause = reason the issue happens in the first place
The project has National and/or global link.
National and/or global link = how your issue connects to the wider world
The Girl Scout must demonstrate leadership.
leadership = leading a volunteer team
The project demonstrates a long term impact.
Long term impact= the work of your project actively continues even after you are no longer involved.
The project has a measurable impact.
Measurable impact = you can specifically observe/track the way(s) you are making a difference.
Prerequisites before starting the SA project:
Complete a Cadette Journey
Read thoroughly the Silver Award requirements on this web page: Silver Award | Girl Scouts
Complete SA training on your gsLearn (log into your GS account first).
Process - council resources
Proposal: instructions - form
Final report: instructions - form
2021: YMCA Outdoor Art Studio: Emilie and Katherine
2022: Outdoor Reading Library: Hillary, Kathy and Natalie
2023: Helping Urban Wildlife: Catherine, Rachael and Tien
Gold Award
Gold Award Preparation
Complete a SA and a senior/ambassador journey, or completed 2 senior/ambassador journeys.
Read the Gold Award package:
Train for the Gold Award via gsLearn or via the Council's Webinars
Submit this form to the council to indicate you have completed the GA training.
Find a cause/issue and an advisor (SME, subject matter expert) for your cause
Prepare a google doc and send to your troop leader, answering the following questions:
My Gold Award aims to address this issue: ...
The reason I selected my issue are: ...
The root cause of my issue is: ...
I will address the root cause by: ...
The target audience(s) for my Gold Award project is/are: ...
The skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes my target audience will gain are: ...
I will know that my audience has gained the desired skills/knowledge because: ...
My Gold Awards's national and/or global link is: ...
Measurement of my project's success: ...
What my audience will learn/gain?
How I will measure impact?
When I will measure impact?
My Gold Award project goals are: ...
My Gold Award will be sustained beyond my involvement by: ...
Create an account (when you are ready to work on the GA):
Please keep the following questions in mind as you fill out the questions in GGO, as they are common questions that Committee Members ask girls about their projects:
What is the actual problem that you are solving with your project? (Can be answered in the section "My Gold Award aims to address this issue").
What research have you done that demonstrates this project is needed? (Cite in the section "My Gold Award aims to address this issue" and "The root cause of my issue is").
What specifically are you planning to do, and how will it directly reduce or eliminate the root cause of the issue? (Can be answered in the section "I will address the root cause by").
Who will be part of your volunteer team? You need people you can delegate tasks to and direct the work of in order to demonstrate leadership for the project.
Final Report
Prepare a google doc and send to your troop leader, answering the following questions:
My Gold Award addressed this issue: ...
Gold Award Experience Log (photos, videos, text posts)
Gold Award Time Log
Gold Award Budget Log (project income, project expenses)
The root cause of the issue my Gold Award addressed was: ...
I addressed the root cause of the issue by: ...
My target audience was: ...
Measurement of my project's success:
My Gold Award project goals were:
Share if/how you reached your goals. My result were:
The skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes my target audience gained were: ...
I know that my audience gained the desired skills/knowledge because: ...
My Gold Award will be sustained beyond my involvement by: ...
My Gold Awards's national and/or global link was: ...
I led my team by: ...
I told others about my Gold Award (the impact of my project, what the Gold Award is, and waht I learned in earning it) by promoting via:
Time to reflect! The obstacles I encountered were: ...
Time to reflect! I overcame them by ...
The strengths, talents and skills I put in action were (bullet listing): ...
The leadership skills I put into practice were: ...
I learned the following about myself: ...
The most successful part of my project was: ...
I would change the following if I could start over: ...
Through earning my Gold Award, I now demonstrate the following Girl Scout Leadership outcomes (bullet listing):